Services every Sunday starting at 10 am
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Do not doubt that you are welcome here!

We are so glad that you are considering visiting us today! We understand that visiting a new church can be intimidating, and we want you to know that you are welcome here. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, we believe that you have something valuable to contribute to our community. We are excited to get to know you and to share this time of worship together. Thank you for taking the time to join us today.

Explaining Our Services

At St. John the Divine CEC we are blessed to offer Sunday School and Holy Communion each and every Sunday

  • 9:00 am

    We have Sunday School where we study the faith through bible studies and studying the catechism

  • 10:00 am

    This is our principal service. This is our Holy Communion, or Holy Eucharist, service. We Worship God in three streams. You will hear scriptures, see the gifts of the Spirit and receive the Sacraments.

Common Questions

If you still have questions feel free to contact us!

Do you have Parking?

We have an easily accessible  parking lot. You should not have trouble finding space. If you do let a member of clergy know.

Do you offer Child Care?

At this time we do not offer a traditional nursery throughout the whole service. 

If this is a ministry you feel called to, please tell a member of the clergy.

Do you have bathrooms at your church?

You will find bathrooms in the back of the Church. Please ask if you are unsure though and we will be happy to help.

How long are the services?

While total service time may very by the preacher of the day, but we try to make it an hour. God will do what He will do, so we try to follow the Holy Spirit.

Can I receive communion?

If you are baptized ,believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Sacrament and receive communion in your home parish then you are welcome to receive.  Please consult the priest if you are unsure.

Do you have Coffee Hour?

We do not have a coffee hour at this time, however we do have breakfast on the first sunday of the month.

What should I wear?

Come as you are. We are relaxed congregation and our dress attire reflects that. Jeans, Polo, and sneakers and you’ll fit right in.

Church is also for children, even if you child is crying we encourage you to stay for their are young ones worship the Lord.

Order of Service

The following is a typical order of service for a given Sunday, some exceptions may be made when there is a Baptism, Confirmations or Feast day.

  • Introit –  The priest will say “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” and the congregation replies “With God all things are possible.”

  • Opening Procession – The altar party will process from the back of the Sanctuary to the altar. This includes all acolytes (lay servers), and clergy members. 

  • Collect for Purity – This is a prayer that we say that reminds us that God sees our hearts and from Him nothing is hid. 

  • Decalogue and/or Summary of the Law – The Decalogue which is sometimes said, is the Ten Commandments. The Summary of the Law is always said and is from the Gospel. It reminds us the Jesus tells us the Greatest Commandment to to love God and after it to love our fellow person.

  • Kyrie Eleison –  Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy. 

    This can be said three times as above or each line repeated three times alternating (nine-fold)

  • Gloria in Excelcis – A song that is sung that reminds us of the Glory of God.  Not done in Advent or Lent  

  • Collect(s) of the Day – Prayers meant to gather the intentions of the people and the focus of worship into a succinct prayer.

  • Readings: A layreader will read three readings, including the psalm which will be responsive.

  • Gospel –  A clergyman reads from the Gospel. This will be done at the altar or by a procession.

  • Announcements – Any news and upcoming events will be read from the podium.

  • Sermon – The preacher will provide an eight to twenty-five minute sermon pulling from the scriptures read that day. 

  • Nicene Creed – The Nicene Creed is a statement of belief that outlines the fundamental Christian beliefs about the nature of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

  • Offertory – We will have a hymn while we bring God our Tithes and Offerings. The Bread and Wine will be brought and the priest will prepare the Altar

  • EucharistA priest will celebrate the eucharist and bless the bread and wine. Upon completion of the blessing ushers will call each pew forward to receive communion. All Baptized Christians are welcomed to receive communion.

    Once you are at the front a priest or deacon will provide you communion at this time the bread will be dipped in wine (real wine). If you wish to not receive communion simply cross your arms and a minister will pray for you instead.

  • Benediction: Final Blessing by the Priest

  • Procession Out – The Altar Party will process out from the altar to the back of the sanctuary.

  • Dismissal – During Lent and Advent, “Let us bless the Lord is said”, in other seasons “Depart in Peace”, response is always “Thanks be to God.”